Profit from your passion!

Create personalized video greetings.

Step into the spotlight & create unforgettable moments for customers around the world.

Whether you’re a princess, superhero, magician, comedian, impersonator… turn you talent into income.

Performer categories:

How it Works ?

1. Signup & create a listing

Sign up for free, set up your service, and offer

your work to our wide audience.

2. Deliver great work

Get notified when you get an order and use our system

to discuss details with customers.

3. Get paid

Get paid on time, every time. Payment is available

for withdrawal as soon as it clears.

Why join Surprise Greeting?

Earn Money Doing What You Love :

Turn your passion into profits. With Surprise Greeting, there’s no limit to how much you can earn. Set your own prices, receive payments securely, and watch your earnings grow.

Flexible Schedule :

Work on your own terms and set your availability. You have the freedom to accept orders when it suits you and take a break whenever needed.

Expand Your Portfolio :

Showcase your talent. Create personalized video greetings for birthdays, pep-talks, congratulations, or special announcements, the possibilities are endless.


1. Fill out the registration form

Comply with our terms of service, and create a captivating profile that showcases your unique talents.

2. Create Your Listings

Within your category specify the types of personalized video greetings you provide, occasions you cover, and any special features you offer. Include video samples of your work! Include photos!

3. Set competitive prices

Offer a variety of offerings to stand out.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What can I sell ?

You can sell personalized video greetings for a wide array of occasions such as birthdays, anniversaries, graduations, congratulations, get well soon messages, announcements, invitations, and much more. You must comply with our terms of service.

2. How much money can I make ?

The amount you make depends on the price you set for your videos and the number of orders you receive. We don’t limit the potential earnings.

3. How much does it cost to sell ?

It’s free to join the platform and start selling. You decide the price of your product, and SurpriseGreeting charges a 25% fee from your sales as a marketplace fee.

4. How do I get paid ?

You get paid through the platform via PayPal or Stripe, and funds can be withdrawn to your bank account. Payments are usually processed within a week of completing an order, after our clearing period. Read more…

5. What are the fees ?

SurpriseGreeting charges a 25% commission fee for each transaction. This helps us cover platform costs and support.

6. Can I offer multiple types of videos ?

Absolutely! You can diversify your portfolio by offering greetings from different characters, different types of greetings such as announcements or invitations, or you might sing a song, read a book, or even stand on your head! Use your creativity to make your videos unique and engaging!

7. How can I increase my sales ?

Offering high-quality, engaging videos and being responsive to customer inquiries can help increase your visibility on our platform. Furthermore, responding to orders in a timely fashion and receiving positive customer reviews can also boost your sales.

8. How to create a sample greeting?

Videos should be in high-resolution (at least 720p) and clear. All videos must use our watermark system. Videos should be posted on Youtube or Vimeo. Read More…

9. What are the video specifications ?

Videos should be in high-resolution (at least 720p) and clear. All videos must use our watermark system. The delivery method and format of videos should be made clear to the customer in your listing. A popular choice for delivery is YouTube. Remember, the quality of your video reflects on your professionalism.

10. What happens if a customer is not satisfied with my video ?

If a customer is not satisfied, they can communicate their concerns via our messaging system and provide feedback. As a performer, you can specify how many times you are willing to rework or redo a video. This should be made clear to the customer in your listing. Remember, the customer must accept the delivery of the video and mark it as complete for the performer to get paid.

11. What if I’m unavailable or on vacation ?

We have an “on vacation” mode that you can turn on when you’re unable to fulfill orders. This prevents new orders from coming in until you’re ready to return. Also, please note that performers must accept orders from customers for the sale to occur and the order to begin.

12. Can I communicate with the customer ?

Yes, we encourage communication to ensure you fully understand the customer’s requirements and provide a personalized, satisfying experience. SurpriseGreeting has a built-in messaging system where all communications with the customer occur. Performers need to mark the order as delivered, and then customers must mark the order as accepted. This communication system is how transactions are completed.

13. What if I don’t fit into a specific category ?

Our current categories represent the most popular requests we receive. However, we are always open to new ideas and expanding our offerings. If you believe your service doesn’t fit into our existing categories, please don’t hesitate to contact us. We appreciate your feedback and we’ll consider adding more categories in the future based on our performers’ unique talents and the evolving needs of our customers.

14. Can I sell to customers world wide?

Yes, SurpriseGreeting is a global platform, and you can sell your videos to customers all around the world.

15. How should I price my videos ?

The pricing is entirely up to you. Consider factors like the time, effort, and resources you put into creating each video when setting your price. It may be beneficial to examine the pricing of other performers in your specific category to ensure your rates are competitive.

16. Can I reject an order if it’s inappropriate or violates the terms of service ?

Yes, if a customer’s request violates our guidelines or terms of service, you can decline the order and report it to our support team. If the violation is severe, we can take further actions such as banning the consumer from our platform.

17. How do I improve my performance ratings ?

Consistently delivering high-quality videos, responding promptly to orders, and maintaining good communication with customers can help improve your ratings.

18. Can I collaborate with other performers ?

Yes, collaboration can lead to unique and exciting content. However, all collaborations must comply with our platform rules and guidelines.

Make money creating personalized video greetings.

Signup and create your video greeting listing.